You want to take on an internship but you’re broke. Have you considered applying for a grant?
Why would I need a grant?
There are various grants and loans that are accessible to you when you begin your internship journey, including EU and governmental internship sponsorship schemes such as Erasmus+. Obtaining a grant gives you the opportunity to take on an internship in an entirely new country. You will receive great professional experience in your chosen field, as well as the fundamental experience of living and working in a different country and culture. You might even have the chance to complete a project that gives you industry insight or learn a new language during your stay. Getting a grant will open new doors to you and give you the opportunity to do all of this.
What can I do with this grant?
Staying in a foreign country costs money. You must take into account your flight tickets, your accommodation, living expenses, and the internship programme fee you’ll need to pay. Most of these expenses are normally eligible to be paid by your grant. Getting a grant will be a huge help in smoothing out the expenses incurred by your internship abroad.
Can I apply for a grant?
In order to get started, you will need to be studying at an institute of higher education and undertaking a course that grants higher education certification. This means you already qualify if you’re taking on a bachelors, masters or doctoral degree! You will also need to find an internship that does not exceed twelve months study, if you’re planning to take on more internships in the future. Luckily, all the internships we offer are for a 2- to 6-month period.
How do I get my grant?
Your first step will be to visit to International Office, Internship Coordinator, or Erasmus Office at your place of study. You’ll be given a set of documents that need to be filled out. In the case of Erasmus+ grants, these will include the Grant Application Form, Learning Agreement for Traineeships, and Letter of Intent. Internships Malta will also send you a Letter of Acceptance which will outline your duties and responsibilities while you’re here. This will need to be submitted with your other documents. At Internships Malta, we specialize in Erasmus+ grants and will be more than happy to help you with your paperwork.
Once you apply, you’ll be asked to complete a language assessment test. You can also ask your university or college if they can offer you a free language course or other forms of support to prepare you for your adventure abroad.
Once you get to Malta, you should send back to your place of study a Certificate of Arrival and the completed Learning Agreement. At the end of your stay here, you’ll also be provided with a Certificate of Attendance and Traineeship Certificate.
After completing your internship, you get to add ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System) to your academic achievements!
Getting a grant for Erasmus+ Placement Mobility is pretty easy, the hard part is choosing the right internship. That’s where we come in. Leave us a message or send us an email jobs@internships.com so we can find the perfect internship for you.